5 Little-Known Facts About Palm Trees

Palm trees represent tropical bliss and make you daydream of a relaxing day at the beach with a cocktail in your hands. While you have likely grown used to their sight here in South East Queensland, you may not be aware of the following little known facts about palm trees: 

1. Around 2600 species of palm trees exist today worldwide

Palms are one of the most widely planted tree families. These evergreen plants thrive in moist and hot climates, however, they can be found in many different habitats. They are considered among the hardiest trees in the world as they’re resistant to most pests and diseases.  


2. Palm trees have a diverse range of uses

  • Shelter: The fibrous wood of palm trees can be used as building material for house walls and roofing. The leaves alone have a diverse range of uses, such as roof thatch and garden fencing. Decaying leaves can also be used as mulch. 
  • Candles: Palm wax candles provide an alternative to soy or paraffin wax candles.
  • Furniture – Have you heard of rattan furniture? Turns out they are made from the wood of rattan palms.
  • Food: Palm trees provide us with coconuts, acai fruit, dates and oil. But beware – not all fruits carried by the palm tree are edible. Sago is poisonous to humans and animals.

3. You can make wine out of some palms

Did you know that some species can produce wine? Palm wine is made from the palm tree sap of date and coconut palms. The sap from palm trees is white, very sweet and non-alcoholic, but it begins fermenting instantly after it has collected because of natural yeasts in the air. There are many species of palms, around 27, from which palm wine is extracted. Nine of these species are native to Africa.

4. The palm symbolizes Life

In many historical cultures, because of their importance as food, palms were symbols for such ideas as victory, peace, fertility and eternal life.

5. Palm Trees can grow insanely tall

The tallest palm tree species in the world is the wax palm. The average height of a wax palm tree is 148 feet. Some specimens reach heights as tall as 200 feet, about the height of a 20-storey building!

palm tree

Palm trees are of great economic importance in many countries around the world. In some civilisations, these trees are part of the culture, livelihood and agriculture. Here in South East Queensland their main use is in creating picturesque landscapes that leave the traveler dreaming of their next escape to our paradise. No tropical look is complete without palms. If you have palms on your property and the maintenance is getting too much for you then consider calling our friendly team. We can clean your palms of dead or unwanted fronds (palm leaves) and seed pods. For more information, we invite you to have a read about our recently completed jobs in Byron Bay and Elanora on the Gold Coast.

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Tree Essence Arborists and Tree Removals 19 Jay Gee Court Nerang, QLD 4211 1300 487 333
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